DEKA Laser - sistemi laser medicali

Legal Disclaimer

Company Information
Deka M.E.L.A. S.r.l.
Legal, Administrative and Commercial Headquarters
Via Baldanzese, 17 – 50041 Calenzano (FI)
TAX / VAT No. 04190470486
Tel. +39 055 8874942 Fax +39 055 8832884
Email – Web
Share Capital Euro 40.560,00 fully paid-in
Florence Chamber of Commerce & Economic and Administrative Register No.: 425321
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Some sections of Deka M.E.L.A. site are reserved for professionally qualified persons. Those who visit these sections do so under their own responsibility and at their own risk and are responsible to the Company for the truthfulness of the information supplied and the statements that they made.
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All contents available on this web site, owned by Deka M.E.L.A. S.r.l., may be used only upon the permission of the owner of the copyright and only for informational or personal reasons; it’s strictly forbidden to make use of this site for commercial purposes on other types of hardware; it’s also forbidden to make any kind of changes to this site.
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Do you need to receive further information?

DEKA M.E.L.A. S.r.l.
Via Baldanzese, 17 - 50041
Calenzano (FI), Italy

+39 055 8874942
+39 055 8832884

Company Register of Florence / Fiscal Code 04190470486

VAT IT04190470486

REA Firenze: 425321

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